Universe of Smash Bros Lawl Wiki

Large City is a first stage level in Smash Bros CD7. Lawl on The Darkness Story.


In the Large City where the three heroes name Colin, Bubbyaustin and Jacob to going around to have an mini-match for fun (there are three choices to pick is Colin, Bubbyaustin or Jacob to get 3 cutscenes when you beat them) then thier were shake hands, but later an dark creature is look alike an human but it's not his name was HABIT is using an army that was known as the Shadows so the heroes must beat all the Shadows once for all, after the fight HABIT laughing he calls out his other Shadows to use an unknown bomb that it's called The Dark Bomb then HABIT summon an first boss battle was the Green Gobin (the Willem Dafoe) from the Spider-Man films that the Green Gobin attacks and start the fight, after defeating him he will return someday but HABIT was gone that the Dark Bomb is counted to zero so the heroes must get out of the city, after that the heroes were safe but the Large City is gone into Darkness.

Appearing Characters[]

As Playable Characters:[]

As Non-Playable Characters (or Challengers):[]



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